Digital Equity & College Students

Lunch & Learn Webinar Virtual

Not all college students are digital natives who have had access to the internet and devices for their entire lives. Furthermore, college courses are conducted with almost no supportive technological/device instruction, which can make success almost impossible for those students who have been on the wrong side of the digital divide. REGISTER TODAY

Celebrating Caregivers: Practicing Good Digital Citizenship

Lunch & Learn Webinar Virtual

Acknowledging the role of caregivers as digital navigators and their many efforts to bridge the digital divide in their daily work. Tying many of these concepts in with digital citizenship principles. REGISTER TODAY

The Gift of Digital Inclusion

Lunch & Learn Webinar Virtual

Digital Inclusion lessons learned in 2024. Discussion of current trends and issues. Looking into 2025, how to prepare? Gentle nudge to partner with CTN and/or use our courses as a way to give the gift of digital inclusion in 2025. REGISTER TODAY